Reitoria (Rectorate) & Rita
On Friday, the 2nd day, I went to the U. Porto rectorate/International Relations Office cos I wanted to get the enrolement (Einschreibung) over w/. The porter (Pförtner) asked what I wanted so he could write it on a paper to inform Rita Sinde, the ERASMUS coordinator.
I said I wanted to go to the Office for International Relations, I told him so in Portuguese (Relações Internationais). So he asked me whether I already did a year in Portugal or whether I wanted to study here now. I answered "now" and I told him I was from Germany. But then he had doubts.
"So are you German and want to study here or are you Portuguese and want to study abroad??"
"Err. I'm from Germany and want to study here."
"I'm just so confused cos your Portuguese is so good!!"
"That's just the pronounciation, not the grammar!"
I was half an hour to early for the opening hours od Rita Sinde but I was told she'd receive me in some minutes. So I waited 5 minutes and then entered her office (she had MSN open on her computer haha). She told me enrolement wasn't possible before September but then I'd have to hurry cos they're expecting 600 (!) exchange students.
Sílvex surprised me in my father's shop. We went for a snack. (Or rather I had one, he didn't feel like eating or drinking, had just had lunch). Later I saw Miguel online on MSN, he was currently at the arquitecture faculty, not too far from my father's shop at the Rotunda da Boavista (rotunda: roundabout/rotary/Kreisverkehr). I told him I had seen only ONE notice for an appartment at my faculty. He said he'd quickly have a look whether there were any at his faculty and then confirmed that 'yes, many'. So I decided to go there, he then helped me to note them down. Afterwards we went to a café at the beach and talked.